Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week 1

We met on Eluminate for our class and from reading the Horizon Report 2010, I have learned so much about the new and emerging technologies that are being worked on.  They are simply amazing and my curiosity and interest has been sparked on the possibilities these technologies could mean to our society.  I am very interested in gesture based computing being developed because I have always believed that conforming our bodies to the computer instead of the other way around has not been good to our health overall.  Carpal tunnel...bad posture and eyesight all are results of working too long on the computer and how the computer is built for use.  Technology where you can control a computer through remote means and natural hand gestures would help alleviate these problems.
I also found interesting how the mobile device can be used to overlay a historical map at hot spots around a town so that people can see what their immediate environment looked like at various stages in history.  There are so many possibilities with these emerging technologies, it is all very exciting and I can't wait to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marisa,

    You have a lot of enthusiasm in regards to technology and it shows. I like your idea of gesture based computing and it never occurred to me that it may be a good way to alleviate bad office ergonomics. Microsoft has gotten a very promising technology with Kinect and it may be a great way to incorporate gesture based computing! Great post!
